
High quality papers may be invited to be submitted to the International Journal for Quality Research (ISSN ​1800-6450), IJIEM International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (ISSN 2217-2661), Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies (ISSN 1820-0222), Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research (ISSN 0354-0243), Journal of Production Engineering (ISSN 1821-4932), Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design (ISSN 2217-379X), and International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy (ISSN 2812-7315). Authors of conference papers will also be eligible to publish their work in a special edition of the ​journal Businesses (ISSN electronic 2673-7116) at a discounted fee.

Please submit papers for the FUTURE-BME 2024 CONFERENCE via EasyChair platform.


Propositions regarding papers/proceedings

All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the reviewers drawn from the scientific committee or external reviewers depending on the topic, title and the subject matter of the paper.  
Paper publication does not require presentation at the conference venue. 
Publication of one paper prior requires payment of one registration fee, regardless of the number of authors (is there one author or two/three co-authors). In case there are more than three coauthors, for each additional coauthor, 20 € will be added to the overall registration fee amount.
The official language of the conference is English. Papers may be written and presented in English.

Registration and peer review process

Abstracts are submitted on the website using Easy Chair System – email submissions are not accepted. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. up to 250 words. The document with its content is not attached to the submission of the abstract, but the text of the abstract is entered directly through the Easy Chair System. The complete instructions can be viewed in this file
Each abstract is reviewed in a double-blind peer review process. The double-blind review process ensure that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous during the peer review process. Authors do not know who conducted their reviews, reviewers do not know whose abstract/paper they are reviewing. 
Each abstract is subject to a review process. Authors will be notified using Easy Chair System if their abstract has been accepted. There is no second review of abstracts that have been accepted “with modification”. The modification of the abstract takes place when the full paper is submitted. 
Full papers are submitted for double-blind peer review after successful acceptance of a conference abstract. Please be sure that the submitted paper is in accordance with the available template. The only thing that should be left out of the attached template, in this step, is to list the names of the author and co-author. The paper should have between 5 and 8 pages. If a full paper exceeds 8 pages (A4 size), each additional page will be subject to a charge.
Peer reviewers provide a critical assessment of the paper, and may recommend improvements. Although the author may choose not to take this advice, it is highly recommended that the author address any issues, explaining why their research process or conclusions are correct. The complete instructions can be viewed in this file .


The submission system will open in March 2024.

Deadline for abstract submission: August 3rd, 2024
Deadline for early bird registration: August 16th, 2024
Submission of full papers: September 20th, October 11th, 2024
Notification of paper acceptance: September 30th, 2024
Deadline for registration: October 1st, 2024
Payment deadline: October 11th, 2024

Conference dates: October 30 - 31st , 2024